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RailTel equipped for a quantum change, says Anand Kumar Singh — Director Finance.

Updated: Oct 20, 2021

Anand Kumar Singh, Director Finance, RailTel
Ready For A Quantum Change

As of 2019, RailWire — RailTel’s broadband services in partnership with 5000+ communities in India had a little over 1 lakh subscribers. However, post-pandemic, it saw an immense surge in the growth of its subscriber base. A quantum leap from around 1 lakh to over 3.5 lakh subscribers.

Anand Kumar Singh, Director Finance RailTel, provides two compelling reasons for this surge.

Need: The pandemic turned the broadband internet connection from a luxury to a necessity.

Trust: That necessity in turn created the requirement for a reliable broadband service provider and it is noteworthy, that most subscribers opted for RailTel’s broadband connection, not for the lack of a choice, instead, because they trusted RailWire more.

Anand Kumar Singh affirms that the speed with which RailTel is taking on this challenge of quantum change will prove to be a benchmark for its efficiency and dedication.

With one in a hundred, India is amongst the lowest in the world in terms of wired broadband subscribers’ ratio and evidence of great potential for RailTel to grow its wired broadband penetration through RailWire. From a 100 crore revenue in 2020, RailTel is expected to see an exponential growth of 210 crore in 2021, which will be a 100% growth.

On a parting note, he quipped, "We are targeting adding over 7 lakh more subscribers in 2021 and are now organisationally ready to take on this challenge of quantum change.”


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